Dear Reader,
Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away.
Marcus Aurelius
When I was younger, I remember we use to have calendars where you ripped off a page every day. Even then I remember being fascinated with how time went by; I looked forward to tearing off yesterday’s page and looked forward to what the next page/day looked like. I also remember that time stretched out, and moved slowly. Now it seems that those same days are going by ever so fast, and that my unit of time is more a month, rather than a day.

A special Thank You to my friend Carl Mautz for the use of his watch collages in this blog post. The feature image is his Swimming For Time.
At present, it is already the beginning of August 2022. More than two third of the year 2022 is already past by. When and how did that happen? Time goes by so fast that it feels surreal. Is there a brake pedal on this ride?!
One reason I love to travel so much is that it slows down time. Taken out of our routines and patterns by the new and unusual we sink deeper into our curiosity and our experience of our present moment.
At times I even prescribe “travel therapy” for myself and my clients. For myself it helps with boredom, confusion, heartbreaks, and even grief, anxiety, and depression. Being out in the world reminds me to look up and see what an incredible and unique gift life is.

I recently got to take a travel time out. In these last few years of the pandemic, I found myself working a lot, as the need was so high, the stress intense and many needing help. But as I felt myself getting burned out, I knew I needed some mountain medicine. I went on a camping/hiking journey in the Grand Tetons National Park. Breathing that mountain air, watching nature unfold, meeting bears, moose and herds of elks reminded me how important it is to allow time to slow down, and to connect with myself. I came back to my office rejuvenated and more hopeful.
Taking some time out to attend to what we deeply long for, be it alone time, family time, nature, or a meditation retreat is essential to our well being and mental health. Please take some good care of yourself as we all need time out.

And speaking of time passing, finally, after a long absence and a few cancellations due to the pandemic we were able to have an in person Hold Me Tight® Couples Workshop here in Nevada City, California last month.
It was like watching a miracle over the weekend as couples broke down their walls, took the risk of deepening vulnerably, opened to each other and created new pathways for connection, communication, and secure attachment bonding.
During the closing ritual of our Hold Me Tight® Couples Workshop, the transformation in the room was so present and powerful. Once again, I am awe struck with immense gratitude for Dr. Sue Johnson who embarked on this journey of figuring out the obstacles to secure attachments and how to form long lasting bonding connections with our loved ones.
Nov. 19 & 20th, ’22 Hold Me Tight® Workshop in Nevada City, CA.
We Invite and Welcome all Couples! We keep our workshops small to ensure privacy, safety, and personal attention. Spaces are very limited.
Read about or register here.

Our Hold Me Tight® Couples Workshops are an intimate and safe place where couples can find the opportunity to open up to each other in a vulnerable way about the changes they long for in their relationship.
In these Workshops, you can:
• Forgive old injuries and heal wounds of abandonment, rejection, and betrayal.
• Access the underlying emotions in the negative cycle you get caught in over and over.
• Revisit past events that have become unresolved issues, and create change events.
• Talk about sex, intimacy, and what is blocking you from living your full sexual potential.
• Create rituals and talk about how to maintain the breakthroughs of the weekend.
Workshop Participants are saying…
Fantastic workshop. Great blend of genuine facilitation and 1:1 time. Deep knowledge and guidance conveyed simply and accessibly. Loved the depth of content, the clips, the binder, the small group, the balance between facilitation and couple work, also very thoughtful to have time with the facilitators.
Thank you Dalia and Owen, you pushed us to go deep, we trusted, and we gained so much understanding of one another that will greatly benefit and enhance the growth of our relationship and love.
You can also contact me via the direct email link below.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

P: 530-692-0680