Happy belated Valentine’s Day, You might think that as a couple’s therapist, I would be a fan of this day, celebrating Valentine’s Day with an oomph. That I would welcome it with cards, balloons, chocolates, and roses. But the truth is…it is not a favorite holiday day of mine. For years I have written a […]
Keeping Resolutions in the New Year.
Dear Readers This blog post started few month ago in November when I usually write my “how to survive the holidays” post. In these last few months, I have sat with many couples in therapy and talked about the coming holiday stress and about how to manage, cope, survive, and thrive in the holiday season. […]
This Holiday, Don’t Forget to Breathe
If you are anything like me, you are looking at the calendar and wondering how and when it became the middle of December! I still enjoy using wall calendars that hang in my office and home. I love having that monthly overview and that sense of turning the pages as the months go by. But […]
When it is time to say Goodbye, Let Go and Move On.
Dear Reader, Those of you who know me, both in my therapy practice and in my personal life, know how passionate, and excited I have been about Burning Man!!! This year was my 10th years on the Playa. “Guided by the values expressed by the 10 Principles, Burning Man is a global ecosystem of artists, […]
Are we there yet? Taking time out.
Dear Reader, Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away. Marcus Aurelius When I was younger, I remember we use to have calendars where […]
Are You S.A.D.?
For those of you who do not live in our area, the concept of living with the constant fear of fire danger and evacuation may sound unreasonable. But for us here in California, it is now the new normal, not thought of in terms if, but when. We spend the summer and fall with go […]