Travel is an opportunity to leave some of the known behind to reset our perspective, and embark on a discovery of ourselves and our partner through new eyes.
For You to be Right, I don’t have to be Wrong
Around the time I entered graduate school for psychotherapy (later in life: for the first part of my professional life, I was a park ranger leading treks into the wilderness), I had become interested in relationships and couple’s therapy. Was it growing up in a dysfunctional family or in a part of the world torn […]
What is wrong with Valentine’s Day? (A post-V Day blog)
Happy belated Valentine’s Day, You might think that as a couple’s therapist, I would be a fan of this day, celebrating Valentine’s Day with an oomph. That I would welcome it with cards, balloons, chocolates, and roses. But the truth is…it is not a favorite holiday day of mine. For years I have written a […]
Making A Wish
The birds they sangAt the break of dayStart againI heard them sayDon’t dwell on what has passed away… Leonard Cohen Some years ago while traveling in Costa Rica, I visited a coastal town on New Year Eve. After dinner, the whole town walked down to the beach together holding paper lanterns. At midnight, they lit […]